Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Dip Into Life

You were spying on me
like the moon
when it's new
when it's excited
to be drunk and full

Your lips are satin wine
a fleshy paradox of love and lust
like mirth that calls itself your heart
and the oval world that is your soul

We are not the avarice seekers
not stunt coordinators
but we sail into eclipses
our sails better than polythene bright
like a seashell learning to sing

Life is always an equation
you'll never solve
always a tongue
whose language is thus revealed in letters
here and there
but we ate from some similar cup
grabbed and were nailed onto
weaved-sprung in the identity-mirrors

I guess I like you
You may not know
you are a glorious moon
your breath are the stars

1 comment:

Al-poeta said...

Exquisite! simply exquisite!