Tuesday, 21 April 2009


" The insight is pain unmoved
   restless gently in the chronic night
   dulled by day's drugged form
  as she rises from her concubine-sleep

  Tampering, tampering, with blood flows and elbows
  neatly hyper and so cleanly disordered 
 the mind finds a parachute - ejects into lethargy
 topped by the senseless academia
 Man oh man, where do you seek?
  I seek, I seek nowhere and all-where
 because I am total curse, absolute pure
 Need not to know the point of fine return..."

Life On Earth

" The artless pain of love is receding
   into the art of the macabre encasing
   Holy wars and wars of sin all seem engaging
   lust and love operate into the homogenous diversity

   The pain of unkempt broken desires
   and the agonies of promises so shattered in human plagues
   the fight between the sinners and the faithful
   are but a part of the same original body.

   Mystery, Mystery, Fact and the dominating fiction
   can they rise and rise to meet the formal obligations?
   What will wanderlust satisfy? The beckoning of my forbidden and my sacred
   My cruel-kind lips smile to the favourite me who is but the earth interbred..." 

Farside Observing

" Her attires molten tapestry
   I undress the beauty clutched to skin
   her milken eyes do the flavour
  As dusk-flesh seems to grow to moon-night

  Pardon me oh my beau
  Thy sun is not in thy body
  carving into thy golden clouds
  are but clinging things called skies - angel's elixir

  Oh what beauty in but in the flesh of one
  the mortal combinations so overflown
  in the delicate, the coarse tranquilty mates with discordance
  Thy soul's weaving such a splendid flawed portrait..."

The Moments

" The longing persists in eternity
   craves not but carves out delicately
   the belief of one's yearning in spunned elegance
   shunned obsolescence pray do not see thy mirror

   Of the hooked electric activations
   of love-lorn and love-expected agitations
   pray do not feed the fawning mind
  Imagine; both vice and recommendation - the ambiguous aphrodisiac

  Merrily one is content when one is the visionary
  dreams are simplicity sliced as watery fruits to eat
  Yet cannot replicate, substitute - it holds as second-best
  In pains we trust pleasure's ultimate birth..."