Friday, 11 December 2009

Intricately Unobserved

Thunder constructs kingdom come
lanterns swooning avalanche-lust
petrified-penetrated by the signs
symbolized in a nutshell of ignorance

Tentative-loose in a game
fruits of labour maimed
toxicated highlights abound
radiation radiates as calling cheap

thickening, twisting glaring
slyness in the silhouette-eyes
mortal limit equals limitless
language art engages craft most phenomenal

Typo-typography in the gloss of me
typ-typography see not me in "I"?
Gladdened strokes. negligent markers
sunshine dance in hollow corners
breathing tilt in apparatus redundant
obsolete in cars of non-production
babel songs imprints falseness
language floats raped in mid-genesis

Carapulting arsen in the nouns of chastity
Catapulting synergized oxides in pure normalcy
Catapulting Eden-sin in the fair thralls of gears
Catapulting cobwebs in exquisite-machine
love-plus-love golden ratio-mathematics
made soiled in solidified humour
edifices catapulted in socio-languid better bed
like flower being fed colour
lost in overadded fertile infertility

Reddened cheeks moisten pores
skin is delicious, the plate ignored
like ribcage-hollow sans singing birds
weeping as weeping down as stars when not explored.

Overdone Osmosis

Purified in the arctic love
affection bypasses lust headstrong
pouring me in bottles labelled: inert

Ozone mixes with compassion
blastocyst mixes with melody
osmotic amputation agreed
line-line-size in zero hemispheres

Sweetness running veined worlds
whorls of pollinated gestures stigma in call
typo-error typo-nothingness
bringing crime sans crime

Hallucinagen-sex implements testy-tastefully
like chamelion bound-data
speaking inert
My odyssey lacks plenty-me

Mirror-veined, Mirror-chaste so suppressed
osmotic intervention kept in shiny isolation
so overcame, so overcome
blood fuses the mellow-mellowness

Sands are heavy
sandman creeps in vault
glass is so thick
like a perimeter in lust.

Rhapsody Fine-Tuned

The tainted crimson test
revealed artifice as jest
mourning in the dawn light
undressed as stars quietened down

pulling cotton-silk fleshy dance
barbed by indolent activity
pulling fragrance of an echo
in the bliss of broken etches

forgotten lads and ladies
tellling me swoon in edges
remembered lads and ladies
telling me to cup air

forgotten gents and lasses
asking game for telling sin
recollect gents and lasses
asking cents to insert gambling kisses

Intoxicated boardgames line up fate
and mannequins in made-up shame
fortelling ecstacy as lineage
fortelling love-lore in minute objects

Pace me, Ate me, Diadem me
Crowned in luxurious basks of masks and heat
cold rushes as blood in central station
passion is bilingual

Rhapsody for shame
time-tickers don't guide
watch and tutelage be earned
tempo glistened as ocean cries her first gasps of air...


You breathe into my shell
waking me awake
you say it's for my own good
I think its comic

You pull drawers to reveal secrets
my sex is not assured
you think it is funny
to see me looking sore

Pretty kisses - pretty fawning
grown overboard
like kites out too long
as if raping the sky

Isn't it pretty faced pretty faced
pretty pleased to be hurt
now it's just a little overgrown
garden needs weeds

You think it's funny
pouring nowadays and pasts
like coffee mugs intact
after an arguement

You think it's funny
to lace up my shoes
see me trip
going down again

And I think it's funny
to see you saying mercy
while you wear pretty like kisses like scarlet roses
This comedy
breaking you to pieces

And I think it's funny
You're saying sorry
I can't stop till I get over the edge
This is my orgasm - seeing you in pieces