Wednesday, 21 April 2010


Are you listening to me?

No wait don't stop. I see you were listening. It was me who digressed. I apologize. It was not an option I wanted to choose. But I had chosen it. Readily. I know I'm quite destructive. Self-destructive. I don't know why. Maybe I am a masochist. No, that's not true.

Truth is I am lost. I haven't had the right hands. The right tongues. To taste. No, do not take off your clothes. My intention is not to stimulate. Not the erogenous anyway. I wish to stimulate you. With my tongue, brain, vocal chords. A trinity in practice. Then what of soul and heart? Yes this practice is pentagonal or possibly hetegeneously-homogeneous.

I adore it.

Call it the original phase of erotic.

Its like wine only the grapes can be swallowed via air, tongue, hand and mind - yes the genitals can be stirred be it all the dish of metamorphosis and ardent awakenings to the street that you haven't explored it.

You begin with street. Then slowly angle with place - as in nerighbourhood, area - then it becomes country and continents and all those things. Even planets - an analogous milky way - astronauts and philosophers make great bedfellows.

Yes, I am constantly looking at you. It's nice to look at people. Its nice. To just look. If you can look I can look as well. So please let me look. Let me engulf you in my eyes. Beyond skin and bones. Beyond flesh. Let's have a slice of mind together with some tea. With some sugary teeth. With some sipping-sipful. Let's warm us up in exotica and erotica galore like this.

Yes we don;t have have to touch sex to do that. That's the simple part. Those are the simple bits. Let's put ourselves in the shoes of others. Let us race through bedlam and brain. Let us course through and see courses.

Are you listening to me?

1 comment:

Al-poeta said...

This is such a beautiful invitation. A very different kind of love-letter. the calling of the mind to another mind.