Friday, 11 December 2009

Intricately Unobserved

Thunder constructs kingdom come
lanterns swooning avalanche-lust
petrified-penetrated by the signs
symbolized in a nutshell of ignorance

Tentative-loose in a game
fruits of labour maimed
toxicated highlights abound
radiation radiates as calling cheap

thickening, twisting glaring
slyness in the silhouette-eyes
mortal limit equals limitless
language art engages craft most phenomenal

Typo-typography in the gloss of me
typ-typography see not me in "I"?
Gladdened strokes. negligent markers
sunshine dance in hollow corners
breathing tilt in apparatus redundant
obsolete in cars of non-production
babel songs imprints falseness
language floats raped in mid-genesis

Carapulting arsen in the nouns of chastity
Catapulting synergized oxides in pure normalcy
Catapulting Eden-sin in the fair thralls of gears
Catapulting cobwebs in exquisite-machine
love-plus-love golden ratio-mathematics
made soiled in solidified humour
edifices catapulted in socio-languid better bed
like flower being fed colour
lost in overadded fertile infertility

Reddened cheeks moisten pores
skin is delicious, the plate ignored
like ribcage-hollow sans singing birds
weeping as weeping down as stars when not explored.

1 comment:

Al-poeta said...

This poems comes to me like the story of a word artist struggling with words and typing them. Nice. :)