Wholesome to love not love yet lust in the all
Figures she turns the axis to thy tongue
Prefers him dried and in the scorched-corpse of mortal-necrophilia.
Tangling in half-hollow loves for which he knew
Could not the temptation see in clouds?
Holding obscuirity as one's own pet
The fated oven to cool ill residues in her.
Such are the violence in the blueprint
Fed well as all ancestry, as all apocalypse
Demanded more into all sweetness of lorn-ness
Confused and composed for nothing and nothings in the glow of non-glow."
Fed well as all ancestry, as all apocalypse
Demanded more into all sweetness of lorn-ness
Confused and composed for nothing and nothings in the glow of non-glow."
sounds good .. but i can't put the thoughts together .. probably because i am still a bit sleepy..
I am thoroughly enjoying your new layout for the blog. Very talented, I can't imagine how you could have constructed this together. I know your sweet personality so I always need to take a step back before I read your work. When you write, you seem to have a very distinct manner about you. I enjoy "axis to thy tongue" very interesting image. There seems to be a lot of opposing figures like love and lust, mortality and deathly lust in the first stanza. The second stanza I'm having a little trouble understanding the relationship of clouds and ovens? I wish that was a bit clearer. Other than that, what great language and rhythm you have going on here. please continue!
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