Wednesday, 15 April 2009

The Tempo In Stillness

" Complete wanderies coil down merrily
   in the ardent workshop of enigmas and shadows
   light is too opulent thus shunned; walls is all maryrs of the philosophies
   Craving, craving, a word too unibiquitous

   Yet, desire, desire, to tame means exodus and anhilition 
   Oh woe, fickle is that stemmed virtue
   who cannot come, only arrives when not wanted
   A visitor in rain-drenched macabre asking too much shelter for asking

   Believe in thy wants, my mantra stiff
  As heart is mine solitary illumination 
  A friend only needed for the last
  My stiffness, my tempo, my goodbye maybe all too much wanting..." 

1 comment:

Al-poeta said...

as pretty as the picture