Friday 11 December 2009


You breathe into my shell
waking me awake
you say it's for my own good
I think its comic

You pull drawers to reveal secrets
my sex is not assured
you think it is funny
to see me looking sore

Pretty kisses - pretty fawning
grown overboard
like kites out too long
as if raping the sky

Isn't it pretty faced pretty faced
pretty pleased to be hurt
now it's just a little overgrown
garden needs weeds

You think it's funny
pouring nowadays and pasts
like coffee mugs intact
after an arguement

You think it's funny
to lace up my shoes
see me trip
going down again

And I think it's funny
to see you saying mercy
while you wear pretty like kisses like scarlet roses
This comedy
breaking you to pieces

And I think it's funny
You're saying sorry
I can't stop till I get over the edge
This is my orgasm - seeing you in pieces

1 comment:

Al-poeta said...

Haha - don't know why this made me laugh. but its comic!