Monday, 14 April 2008

Survey - Basically all things needed to be said

THANKS TO ALLAH ALMIGHTY!!!! I'm now a university student in BRAC!!!!

Ok, the first semester is coming to a close thus I have ample work left to be completed. Though the final exams are next week due to certain research papers (For Personal and Uni updates check the inventory) I have yet to start studying.

My second semester will be happening outside Dhaka, my home and capital of Bangladesh, in Savar, a town a few hours away from my abode.

Today after hearing the requirements for my Psych 101 research paper I freaked (minimun 25 pages for introduction and I was only 4 pages in progress!) I started hyperventilating (figuratively) and used prolifically that sweet F word we consider special for these times.

I seriously bit off my mom's head and Shilpi's (the girl who works in my house) but my mom was understanding. Also Wednesday night I slept at Thursday morning (Sarcasm included) at 7:15am precisely, so I was amazed that I could function.

Funny, after finishing lunch I slept at about 4:45 pm only to wake up at 9:15 pm! (Yeah the longest nap I have ever participated in)

I'm not the only one who is sufferring. My dear friend Sonika, a 3rd semester student, conferred to me that the end of all semesters are excruciatingly busy. I felt angry at God (I know I need a life) today due to all these circumstances BUT ALLAH ALMIGHTY GAVE ME GREAT SIGNS OF HOPE A FEW MOMENTS AGO ENSURING SOME SAFETY IN MY PSYCH 101 RESEARCH PAPER!!!!

As For Linguistics, the research paper is more like an assignment of 720 words max I think (too lazy to check) so I am relaxed about that seeing I have ample information pertaining to it.


Well, I'm leaving Dhaka for the Savar Semester (called TARC as the grounds are named that forgot what TARC means though) on the 16th of May INSHALLAH!!!! Classes will start on the 18th Of May.


On another note, today in Psch 101 class we were studying different types of psychological disorders. When we approached the Somatoform disorders this irritating, egotistical boy had the nerve classifying me into this section. He thought I wouldn't hear but the audibility in our class in the Civil Engineer's building (CSC 1001 - the first class on the 10th floor) isn't marginalized. I turned around while he and his annoying female friend (for some reason she recently started hating me) were laughing and he goes like nothing and tests my patience and even my intelligence going about how he was speaking about my dress and its a nice one. Seriously, a child can even comprehend derogatory associations and that guy needs a life; he hates me for NO PLAUSIBLE REASON WHATSOEVER. I stared at him a couple of times after that, to show him I ain't afraid of whatever he has against me.

That girl, who is his friend, also speaks rudely to me. I am no judge of character and I know both these individuals have good qualities that I have seen yet why this meaningly loathing directed towards me? Seriously, it's kinda pointless then again it is their perspectives which govern them.

Sometimes I get frustrated by my life. I just don't have the basic potentials to achieve the things I want to achieve; yet Allah gives me hope.